Sunday, October 14, 2012

Last Breath Schedule

Week 1: -secure actors
              -Start drawing backgrounds for green screen
              -build green screen

Week 2: -Shoot footage

Week 3: -Edit frames for rotoscoping
              -begin rotoscoping (finish first half of frames)

Week 4: -Finish rotoscoping

Week 5: -Add sound fx

Last Breath Treatment

The scene is one of desolation, burned out trees and dead vegetation in a long shot that slowly gets closer to two figures struggling over the rocky terrain, one short, one tall. Both are covered head to toe, not one bit of skin shows, they both wear what look like gas masks with a tube connecting them together. The short one has a box on a strap around his shoulders that their tubes run into, the shot goes to a first person view from the short one’s perspective, monitor stats show up on the mask’s screen. The tall one leads confidently without stumbling and almost drags the short one along. The shot returns to a medium shot of the two walking, the short one stumbles on almost every rock and root, not quite falling but enough to slightly lose balance. They walk for what seems like ages, all the while the short one stumbles. The tall one can be seen getting more impatient, no words are spoken, only the wind blowing and the breath sounds of the masks are heard. They make their way up a small hill and pause at the top, the shot goes to a first person view from the tall one, the stats show up on his view as well. He looks around before continuing, all that is around is more dirt and burned trees. Cut to a medium long shot and as they step forward the shorter one trips and both fall. When the dust clears the tall one stands slowly, brushing himself off, then he turns on the short one, not even speaking and starts to kick the short one. Jump cut to a first person view from another perspective. This third person’s stats are warning him of low oxygen return and to find a new oxygen scrubber. He sees the two and the beating beginning and starts towards them. Jump cut to a medium long shot of the three figures, the new one jumps in and grabs the tubing from the tall one, they scuffle over the tube and when the third one drops a canister the tall one grabs it and runs off triumphantly. Jump to first person point of view, the stats blink and sound warnings telling the reserve O2 has 2 seconds left, the third figure grabs the tube and plugs it into his mask, the readings blink green and levels are infinite. He helps the short one up and they start walking off, supporting each other. Jump cut to the tall one’s view, he runs then stops and plugs in the canister. His stats blink red, warning of three percent O2 remaining. He grabs it and taps it frantically then looks around quickly, seeing nothing. He falls to his knees, silence takes over, replacing the normal breathing sounds of the masks. Fade to black.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


This is the first frame of the first 50 frames.